MIME consumer programs empower all levels of consumers by conveying knowledge and skills necessary to improve and manage individual healthcare and medication management needs. Consumers receive these valuable services through the use of integrated Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Plans and Medication Action Plans (MAP). Consumers benefit through experiences that meliorate their health conditions, developing a central management role in their own healthcare management.
Patients . . .
MIME defines a patient as any consumer of medications.
Patients are the central focus of the MIME philosophy. By empowering the patient with knowledge, skills and ability to manage their own pharmacotherapeutic needs and health conditions, MIME stimulates an environment that promotes dialogue and partnership amongst healthcare providers and the patients they serve. By inducing patient desire to set personal goals that are in sync with the treatment goals of healthcare providers, MIME stands out as a true health improvement and health promotion company.
Patients are the end beneficiaries of all services. Improvement of their health and quality of life is the most important aspect of customer service that MIME provides. MIME’s involvement improves overall health and care ‘coverage’, while reducing the total healthcare costs traditionally associated.
MIME advocates for the individual consumer.
MIME’s innovative practice techniques facilitate reaching patients in their workplace, physician’s office, pharmacy and in their communities. MIME’s foundational objective is to introduce everyone to personalized pharmacist care. MIME provides pharmacist on-call and referral services. MIME conducts presentations and skills development workshops to enhance the professional pharmacist’s opportunities to implement medication therapy management (MTM) services irrespective of practice location.
. . . As Payers
MIME understands Payers needs as collectiveconsumers.
As group consumers, payers have several key areas where MIME services can effect improved outcomes. Currently, payers (i.e. self-insured employers) pay nearly two-thirds of healthcare expenses in the United States. Avoidance of unnecessary healthcare costs (i.e. hospitalizations, medication adverse effects, unplanned physician visits, etc.) translates directly into cost savings for payers.
One of MIME’s key strategies is simply to save employers more than they spend. This great strategy, as demonstrated in the Asheville Project, showed that for every dollar ($1.00) invested in clinical pharmacist services in the treatment of diabetes, cost savings ranged from four dollars to almost seventeen dollars ( $4.00 to $16.70.) a savings increase range of effectively 400% to more than 1600% percent!
By proactively approaching health promotion with their employees, employers are able to gauge many indicators of improved worker productivity such as use of fewer sick days, fewer disability claims and enhanced worker satisfaction.
Reductions in absenteeism and greater productivity translate into an enhanced bottom line for employers. Healthier workers also achieve treatment goals that result in improved health status and create a healthier workforce. Lastly, due to the specialized training of the MIME pharmacists, payers often have improved adherence to select formularies and preferred drug lists, potentially generating improved and significant drug cost savings.