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MIME ISa health promotion company focused on positive health and care strategies.

Many people often wait for sickness to compel them to seek health-conscious solutions. All healthcare providers, including pharmacists, nurses, physicians, etc., could, and should, play a role in health promotion, especially when providing consumers primary prevention tools for proactively maintaining health.

Physicians are the experts of alleviating the disease process and are the most qualified ‘diagnosticians’. MIME is not a ‘disease state’ management company because MIME focuses beyond the disease to prevention, care management and overall balance for health. MIME’s pharmacists are proven pharmacotherapy experts.

MIME IS a health empowerment company targeting four ( 4 ) unique goals:

Bridging the gap in healthcare disparities by providing specialized pharmacotherapy expertise to underserved populations.

Improving the appropriate use of medications through comprehensive Medication Therapy Management ( MTM ) services and programs that have flexible application for individuals and populations.

Delivering training services and consultation to patients, providers and healthcare organizations that have both the concern and the focus needed to improve outcomes, access and cost-efficiency in the healthcare spectrum.

Educating all consumers on the safe, effective and appropriate use of medications through unique teaching opportunities that may include, but are not limited to, seminars, lectures, clinics, in-services, monographs, etc.

MIME relates to people where they are, in varied health stages, promoting their optimized health and wellness needs, one person at a time.

MIME ISultimately, a wellness opportunity that partners with providers, payers and patients
to coordinate the many facets of medication services and serves as a conduit for the improvement of individual patient health.
This improvement cumulatively impacts community health and eventually the nation’s health with related healthcare economies.